Today is sunday,
05 may 2024
Time 06:46
Important Event's


  1. First Year Students´ School Trips

During the first weeks of September all first year students of Secondary School No 6 go for a school trip. This 2-day excursion helps students get to know one another and provides the teachers with the basic knowledge of their learners.


  1. November, 1st

On November, 1st we pay our tribute to all famous and less famous people who passed away. The Poles visit cemeteries, bring flowers and light up the candles on their relatives´ graves. This day provokes reflection and serious thinking about life and death. It is completely different to Halloween celebrated in English speaking countries. Around that day students of our school visit the graves of the late teachers, graduates and soldiers.


  1. Patron´s Day

At the end of November and beginning of December we celebrate the Founder´s Day. We commemorate the visit which I. J. Paderewski paid to our school in 1924. This annual celebration includes the official part and the costume party.


  1. Christmas Concert

Just before Christmas all the teachers, students, their families and former students of our school take part in the big cultural event in university concert hall. It´s the concert we prepare for our school community and friends. Each year we re-enact birth of Christ and sing Christmas carols together.


  1. 100 Days Party

About a 100 days before the beginning of Matura exams, which end students´ secondary school education, there is a big ball at school called ´100 Days Party´. Students wear elegant clothes, evening dresses and smart suits, they invite their present and former teachers to the party and at the beginning of the ball they dance the traditional Polish dance, polonaise.


  1. Third Year Student's End of School

Third year students officially finish their secondary education at the end of April but throughout May they´ve got their written and oral Matura exams.  

